#ifndef BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_H #define BINARY_SEARCH_TREE_H #include <iostream> using std::cout; enum traversal_order {PREORDER, INORDER, POSTORDER}; template <typename E> class BinarySearchTree; template <typename E> class BNode { E data; BNode<E>* left; BNode<E>* right; friend class BinarySearchTree<E>; BNode() : left(nullptr), right(nullptr) {} }; template <typename E> class BinarySearchTree { public: BinarySearchTree(); ~BinarySearchTree(); int size(); bool is_empty(); bool insert(const E &); bool remove(const E &); bool retrieve(const E &, E&); bool remove_all(); void print(traversal_order); private: BNode<E>* root_; int num_of_nodes_; // Helper functions to perform recursion. int height_helper(BNode<E>*); bool insert_helper(BNode<E>* &, const E &); bool remove_helper(BNode<E>* &, const E &); void remove_node(BNode<E>* &); bool retrieve_helper(BNode<E>* &, const E &, E &); void print_helper(BNode<E>*, traversal_order); void remove_all_helper(BNode<E>* &); bool is_leaf_node(BNode<E>*); // Check if node it a leaf node. bool only_one_child(BNode<E>*); // Check if node has only one child node. BNode<E>* get_min_ptr(BNode<E>*); // Find the pointer that points to the // minimum value. }; template <typename E> BinarySearchTree<E>::BinarySearchTree() { root_ = nullptr; num_of_nodes_ = 0; } template <typename E> BinarySearchTree<E>::~BinarySearchTree() { remove_all_helper(root_); } template <typename E> int BinarySearchTree<E>::size() { return num_of_nodes_; } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::is_empty() { // Return true if tree is empty, else false. return root_ == nullptr; } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::insert(const E &kElement) { // Insert an element. Call to insert helper. return insert_helper(root_, kElement); } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::insert_helper(BNode<E>* &ptr, const E &kElement) { // Recursively traverse until you reach a leaf node's child node (nullptr). Once // reached, allocate a new node and replace the nullptr to point to that new node. if (ptr == nullptr) { // Add new node to tree. BNode<E>* new_node = new BNode<E>; new_node->data = kElement; ptr = new_node; num_of_nodes_++; return true; } // Traverse if (kElement < ptr->data) return insert_helper(ptr->left, kElement); else if (kElement > ptr->data) return insert_helper(ptr->right, kElement); else // if (kElement == ptr->data) return false; } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::remove(const E &kElement) { // Remove an element. Call to remove helper. if (is_empty()) return false; return remove_helper(root_, kElement); }; template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::remove_helper(BNode<E>* &ptr, const E &kElement) { // Traverse ptr to the node that needs to be deleted. if (ptr == nullptr) return false; if (ptr->data == kElement) { num_of_nodes_--; remove_node(ptr); return true; } else if (kElement < ptr->data) return remove_helper(ptr->left, kElement); else // if (kElement > ptr->data) return remove_helper(ptr->right, kElement); } template <typename E> void BinarySearchTree<E>::remove_node(BNode<E>* &ptr) { // Remove node that the passed in pointer points to. There are three cases // that have to be taken cared of: The node that needs to be removed (1) is // a leaf node, (2) has only one child, or (3) has two child nodes. if (is_leaf_node(ptr)) { // If leaf node, just delete. delete ptr; ptr = nullptr; } else if (only_one_child(ptr)) { // If node only has one child node then (depending on whether it is a right // child or left child) set the pointer to point to the child node and // delete the node that the pointer previously pointed to. if (ptr->left == nullptr) { // Change ptr to point to its right child and delete the node that it // previously pointed to. BNode<E>* to_remove = ptr; ptr = ptr->right; delete to_remove; to_remove = nullptr; } else if (ptr->right == nullptr) { // Preform the same as above but with opposite child. BNode<E>* to_remove = ptr; ptr = ptr->left; delete to_remove; to_remove = nullptr; } } // Case in which there are two children. else { // Find the minimum value of the subtree with ptr->right as root, then // replace ptr's data with the minimum value. Finally, delete the node that // originally had the minimum value. BNode<E>* min = get_min_ptr(ptr->right); ptr->data = min->data; remove_helper(ptr->right, min->data); } } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::is_leaf_node(BNode<E>* ptr) { // Check if passed in pointer points to a leaf node. if (ptr->left == nullptr && ptr->right == nullptr) return true; return false; } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::only_one_child(BNode<E>* ptr) { // Check if passed in pointer points to a node with only one child. if (ptr->left == nullptr && ptr->right != nullptr) return true; if (ptr->right == nullptr && ptr->left != nullptr) return true; return false; } template <typename E> BNode<E>* BinarySearchTree<E>::get_min_ptr(BNode<E>* ptr) { // Traverse the passed in pointer to the minimum value of the tree/subtree. if (ptr->left == nullptr) return ptr; return get_min_ptr(ptr->left); } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::retrieve(const E &kElement, E &retrieved_element) { // Retrieve the node's data that matches kElement. Call to retrieve_helper. if (is_empty()) return false; return retrieve_helper(root_, kElement, retrieved_element); } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::retrieve_helper(BNode<E>* &ptr, const E &kElement, E &retrieved_element) { // Traverse to the node the matches kElement. Returns that value. if (ptr == nullptr) return false; if (ptr->data == kElement) { retrieved_element = ptr->data; return true; } else if (kElement < ptr->data) return retrieve_helper(ptr->left, kElement, retrieved_element); else // if (kElement > ptr->data) return retrieve_helper(ptr->right, kElement, retrieved_element); } template <typename E> bool BinarySearchTree<E>::remove_all() { // Remove all nodes from tree. Call to remove_helper. if (is_empty()) return false; remove_all_helper(root_); return true; } template <typename E> void BinarySearchTree<E>::remove_all_helper(BNode<E>* &ptr) { // Traverse the tree in POSTORDER order and removes the nodes one at a time. if (ptr == nullptr) return; remove_all_helper(ptr->left); remove_all_helper(ptr->right); delete ptr; ptr = nullptr; num_of_nodes_ = 0; } template <typename E> void BinarySearchTree<E>::print(traversal_order order) { // Print values in the tree in the given order (preorder, inorder, or postorder). print_helper(root_, order); cout.flush(); } template <typename E> void BinarySearchTree<E>::print_helper(BNode<E>* ptr, traversal_order order) { // Perform preorder, inorder, or postorder traversal. if (ptr == nullptr) return; if (order == PREORDER) { cout << ptr->data; print_helper(ptr->left, PREORDER); print_helper(ptr->right, PREORDER); } else if (order == INORDER) { print_helper(ptr->left, INORDER); cout << ptr->data; print_helper(ptr->right, INORDER); } else if (order == POSTORDER) { print_helper(ptr->left, POSTORDER); print_helper(ptr->right, POSTORDER); cout << ptr->data; } } #endif