Reading and Writing Objects

Create a program that saves data beyond the life time of the program.

Utilize the following struct:

struct PetRock {
    string name;
    int age;

When the program runs, it first checks to see if a file contains data (PetRocks). If the file contains data then the data will be read from the file into an array of size 3 and will be printed (assume there will be no more than 3 objects saved in the data file). If no data is contained within the file, 3 PetRock objects will be created and written to the file.

Sample Output

First time executing the program

No data in file
Collecting Pet Rocks...
Storing Pet Rocks...

Second time executing the program

Data found in file
Storing Pet Rocks into array...

Pet Rocks:
Name: Pete
Age: 1032

Name: Eugene
Age: 124832

Name: Dwayne the Rock
Age: 2374

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