
File Basics

C++ provides the fstream (file stream) library to perform output and input of characters to/from files. The library presents us with two objects:

  • ofstream: Stream class to write to files (output file stream)
  • ifstream: Stream class to read from files (input file stream)

To create ifstream objects and ofstream objects we write the following code:

#include <fstream>

int main() {
    ifstream inFile;  // For reading from a file
    ofstream outFile; // For writing to a file

To modify files, it is required to open them. Once your modifications are done, you can close the file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

int main() {
    ifstream inFile;  // For reading from a file
    ofstream outFile; // For writing to a file"myFile.txt");   // Open file to read from it
    // Read from file"myFile.txt");  // Open file to write to it
    // Write to file

For the case of inFile, you must open a file by calling the object’s open method before performing read operations on it.

Once you are done operating on your file, you are to close the file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    ifstream inFile;  // For reading from a file
    ofstream outFile; // For writing to a file"myFile.txt");   // Open file to read from it
    // Read from file
    inFile.close();              // Close the file"myFile.txt");  // Open file to write to it
    // Write to file
    outFile.close();             // Close the file

When one does not want to access data that is past the end of the file, use inFile.eof() which returns a boolean representing whether the end of the file has been reached.

Writing to Files

With an ofstream object, you are able to write to files.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Open the file
    ofstream outFile;"myFile.txt");

    double doubleNum = 2.0;
    int intNum = 5;

    // Write the values to the file
    outFile << doubleNum << " " << intNum << endl;

    // Write a sentence to the file
    string sentence = "I love C.S. (communication studies).";
    outFile << sentence;


The code above opens myFile.txt using the ofstream object outFile. It then writes the values of doubleNum and intNum into the file. Notice that between writing the values into the file, a whitespace is written. This is done so that the numbers are kept separate and could be read back individually. Following the new line, a full sentence is then written to the file.

Reading From Files

With an ifstream object, you are able to read from files. There are multiple ways of approaching this:

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

int main() {
    // Open the file
    ifstream inFile;"myFile.txt");

    double doubleNum;
    int intNum;

    // Read from the file until we hit any white space (good for space-delimited data)
    inFile >> doubleNum >> intNum;
    cout << doubleNum + intNum << endl;

    string sentence;

    // Read from inFile until we reach a '\n' (the whole sentence)
    getline(inFile, sentence);
    cout << sentence;

    // Close the file when we're done

The code above opens myFile.txt using the ifstream object inFile. It then reads in the values 2 and 5 into doubleNum and intNum respectively. To read a line from the the file, the getline() function is used.

Writing and Reading Binary Objects

Applying what we learned above, we will read and write binary objects into and out of a file.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

struct Person {
    string name;
    int age;

int main() {
    // Declare & initialize object
    Person p1; = "Tommy";
    p1.age = 20;

    // Write object to file
    ofstream outFile;"myFile.bin", ios::app);
    outFile.write((char*)&p1, sizeof(p1));

    // Read object from file
    ifstream inFile;
    Person p2;"myFile.bin", ios::in);*)&p2, sizeof(p2));

    cout << << " " << p2.age << endl;

There are a few differences when dealing with binary objects. When you plan on writing an object to a file, you need to specify you will be appending to the file by including the ios::app flag in the open method. When writing, you will pass two parameters to the read method: a character pointer to your object and the size of the object.

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